Paddling Core Banks, NC in 2009
Sea Gull
When we go to the beach to paddle, we try to add at least one new paddle to our trips. This year we decided to drive east on US 70 past Beaufort, NC to put in at a North Carolina Wildlife boat ramp that provided access to Core Sound. We hoped to see some birds in the marsh area, but didn't have any luck. Just a lone gull flying around.
Flying sea gull
Canada Geese
We had to cut our paddle short because a serious rainstorm came up. About the time we got off the water, there was a little bit of lightening off in the distance. We were glad to got off the water before the lightening started.
About the time we got Nessie back on the minivan, the rain stopped. Then a flock of 30 plus Canada Geese showed up. We watched them swim around a bit before we packed up and left.