Lynn Camp Prong Falls
Lynn Camp Prong Falls

Lynn Camp Prong falls are not the most spectacular or most visited water falls in Great Smoky Mountain National Park. But the walk to the falls and the falls themselves provide a great deal of beauty. The way to the falls is not well marked. The falls are in the Tremont area of the park. You get to the parking area by turning right at a sign pointing to the Great Smoky Mountain Institute, a little before the intersection of Hwy 73 and Laurel Creek Road.
The hike to the falls is about 3/4 mile on an easy trail. The falls is not marked. We had about given up are were ready to turn back when we came to them.
We spent a lot of time exploring along the stream. There are lots of small cascades that are worth looking at. And it's cool in the shade near the water on a hot day.
Indian Flat Falls is about 3 mile farther up the trail, but we did not hike to it.

Lynn Camp Prong Falls, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Cascades on Lynn Prong, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Cascades on Lynn Prong Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Lynn Prong Waterfall, Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Lynn Prong

Lynn Camp Prong Falls Great Smoky Mountains National Park